Christian Beck, Leap Legal – dealing with 26

Peter Drucker, the famous management consultant and writer, used to say, “The control of your business is your people decisions.” 

It can also be said that, “The control of your life is your people decisions,” – who you decide to have in your life and who you decide to not have in your life.

And to many of us it’s becoming clearer and clearer that the best people to have in your life, particularly when it comes to people like your doctors, your dentists, your accountants, your lawyers, your garage mechanics, your technology advisors, and so on, and so on, and so on, are those who have ordinary email addresses, and when you use these to send them reasonable emails they respond in due course with helpful responses.

To those who agree with this, we would have thought that the posts on this blog, indicate, almost to the point of overkill, that Christian Beck is NOT one of these.

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Christian Beck, Leap Legal – dealing with 25

We received what’s shown below from one of our readers today – on 23 Feb. 2021.

To be honest we don’t know what it’s all about – we’ve never seen anything like it in more than 20 years of working on blogs and websites.

It says that, “In response to a legal request submitted to Google, we have removed 3 result(s) from this page” – what page? So far we haven’t found anywhere where anything has been removed???

We are invited to read more about the request at but when we use Google to go to this website, we’re invited to peruse 10,000 results???!!!

Perhaps whoever made the legal request could explain things more? or Google? or Beck?

The best we can come up with is that Beck has requested that some of the 30 or 40 emails that have been sent to him, as shown on this website, inviting him to tell his story, so our readers could get to know him better, be removed, as an alternative to him actually responding to them. If that’s what this is all about, then surely that tells us even more about him. We believe strongly that the best people and organisations to deal with are those that provide helpful responses to reasonable emails sent to them, and who are not concerned as to who gets to read them, they’re proud of them! – not those that never actually respond to emails, instead organise legal requests to Google to stymie any efforts that might show that they NEVER respond to emails!

We’ll continue to look into things further, and as usual, invite comments and contributions from our readers.

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Christian Beck, Leap Legal – dealing with 24

A letter just, on 18 July, 2020, sent by email to Beck.

“From emails we’re getting, it’s clear that, from the way you’ve conducted yourself in the past and appear to be continuing to conduct yourself, you’ve not only made sworn enemies of your father, your former wife, your brother, and your 16 year old oldest son, but of others along the way as well – as might have been expected. Perhaps there are many many more?

As we’ve said before, no doubt you’d argue that, in the world we live in, you’ve had to be like you’ve been, and are, to achieve the success you’ve achieved – but that’s no reason for others to start dealing with you, when, in terms of your track record, the chances would be so high that you could end up being their sworn enemy as well!”

We’ll let you know if we get a reply.

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Christian Beck, Leap Legal – dealing with 23

One of the realities of life is that how we are, we think everyone is – if we’re honest, we think everyone’s honest, and if we’re a crook, we think everyone’s a crook, and so on and so on – unless we come to think otherwise because experiences in our lives force us to think us otherwise.

It’s obvious that for Beck’s former wife, his father, his brother, even his 16 year oldest son, it’s initially been beyond their comprehension that there are people in the world, of whom Beck is a prime example, who, in every situation ONLY think, “What’s in this for me? what good is this going to do me?” without the slightest interest in or concern for how others might be affected.

Two of the ironies of life are that, in all likelihood, the world’s most successful people are ALL like this! and that, perhaps, it’s more natural to be like this than to be considerate of others. That doesn’t mean that you don’t have to be VERY CAREFUL if you let them into your life, that’s if you are going to let them into your life at all!

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Christian Beck, Leap Legal – dealing with 22

The older we get, the more we’re realising that, perhaps, to get the success Beck has had in the world as it is, you HAVE to tell lie after lie after lie – something that certainly seems necessary to get awards from the Ernst & Youngs of this world, claiming, for instance, that he was “self- taught” and “self-made,” in which there’s not a skerrick of truth!

And perhaps, like Beck, you have to hold on to every cent you possibly can – have to fight tooth and nail to have the Family Court order him to pay as little as possible to his former wife after he walked out on her, pay not a cent to his father for all the help he gave him, and to others who may have helped him along the way, not to give any “pocket money” to his four children and so on and so on and so on.

But, as we keep saying, that’s no reason for any of our readers to have him or any of his organisations part of their lives.

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Christian Beck, Leap Legal – dealing with 21

We have recently been made aware of the fact that Beck doesn’t believe in giving his 4 children “pocket money!!!”

We would have thought that a very important part of any father’s role was to teach his children about money, and that one of the basic ways of doing this was to give them at least some money to spend, to play around with.

But no, Beck clearly thinks that he should keep every cent of his money himself, and God forbid that anyone should think that he should give any of it away to his children, even as a means of teaching them anything.

Does this guy’s selfishness know no end?

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Christian Beck, Leap Legal – dealing with 20

It’s obvious from the various posts on this website, that Beck has made a real enemy of his father, to whom, elsewhere on the internet, he’s recorded as saying he owes so much – by ingratitude, selfishness, greed and heartlessness, alleged by his father, to him, his former wife and their four children, and others.

And now, when his father, in particular, has decided he can’t take it any more, he’s suddenly decided to start labelling him as CRAZY!

It’s obviously up to those who may be dealing with Beck and/or his companies, or considering dealing with them, to try and decide who might be right and who may be wrong.

Thank goodness for the internet in that when Google searches are made on anything including “Christian Beck Leap,” this blog is shown on the first page of the results, giving everyone the opportunity to express their opinions and be heard.

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Christian Beck, Leap Legal – dealing with 19

The latest feedback we’re getting is that Beck is telling anyone he can that his father is “CRAZY!”

We would have thought that, if that’s the best he can come up with, when he’s being given every opportunity to provide higher quality responses to anything that’s claimed, which he’s ignoring, that it indicates even more strongly that having anything to do with him and his businesses isn’t a good idea!

Anyone who has issues with him and his businesses doesn’t deserve proper responses, and certainly don’t get any – they’re dismissed as “CRAZY!”

And it’s looking more and more like he will never change? If he ever even acknowledges one email – it will be cause for shock, surprise!

We’re believing more and more that the best people and organisations to deal with, to allow to be part of our lives, are the ones which provides the best responses to our emails – and Beck shows no signs of fitting into that category, perhaps ever?

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Christian Beck, Leap Legal – dealing with 18

If you are having issues in dealing with any of Beck’s companies – Leap Legal Software, Infotrack and Cammy – perhaps the quickest and easiest way to get them resolved would for you to email the details to us, and, at no charge, we will put them up on on this blog, Beck himself will read them, and he or someone on his behalf will direct you to the best person to help you. Although there’s certainly no indication that this is happening yet, or perhaps will ever happen?

An additional and significant advantage of things being done this way, for those who may be considering dealing with any of his companies, or not dealing with them, will get to know how people who have such issues get on.

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Christian Beck, Leap Legal – dealing with 17

Of course, Beck would probably claim that, to achieve the success he’s had, he’s had to tell lie after lie after lie, particularly to get his Entrepreneur of the Year award from Ernst and Young, (who have shown themselves to be particularly gullible,) and to not pay a cent to his father, (who has also shown himself to be particularly gullible,) for all his help, after telling him over and over again that Leap Legal was one third his and then going back on everything he’d ever said, so that he could keep as much money as he could for the expansion of his businesses – and, perhaps, in the world we live in, he’s right.

But that’s no reason/excuse for anyone else to trust him for a nanosecond, to think for a moment that he’s telling the truth, to believe any of his promises, or to think that he will ever show any gratitude to anyone for anything they might do for him.

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